
Source Code

Boids (in SDL2)

This is my implementation of boids. Boids is a simulation of how birds flock in the wild. My implementation is a 2D version made using the SDL2 multimedia (graphics) library. The FPS can be limited with the FPS macro at the top, in order to prevent overuse of the cpu.


The 3 main behaviors that they show are:
collision avoidance(separation): trying not to run into any other
velocity matching(alignment): trying to match the velocity (speed and direction) of the nearby boids
flock centering(cohesion): trying to move towards the center of their current group of nearby boids
as originally detailed by Craig Reynolds (you can read a copy of the original paper here). These three behaviors together make the effect of a group of birds flying together in a flock. The three factors of cohesion, separation, and alignment can also be controlled using the corresponding macros at the top.


There are also predators, which do not care about alignment or separation, but mostly cohesion, since they want to be as close to the boids as possible. On the other hand, the boids have extra separation from predators
